FAQ Docs

Available on OpenSea
Mint a Trudope
Select the total quantity of mints that you wish to purchase and the click on the Mint button below.
The price is based on the MATIC token, the native token of the Polygon network.
By clicking on Mint, you agree to pay to the amount listed in the total price in exchange for number of NFTs that you have requested. Upon clicking on Mint, we will verify the quantity available to ensure that there is still supply. If there is no supply, you will be notified as such and your wallet will not be charged.
Enter the quantity to mint
The cost per each item minted in MATIC
The total cost of the mint in MATIC
Waitlist Form
Enter your name or user ID that you wish to be addressed as.
Enter either email, crypto wallet, or both
Enter either email, crypto wallet, or both
Any information will be kept private and not shared with any third party. The purpose of the infomation is solely to earmark a spot for the user to purchase a Trudope once the sale starts.

All participants who sign up will automatically be placed on the whitelist for the sale for their chance to purchase a NFT at a reduced rate.

One entry per person, multiple entries will be ignored. Any attempt to break the system will result in permanent cancellation of the entrant from participating within the sale.